

It's good.  Gave me the squirts, but it's still good.  Our CiderJak batch #J001 tasted more like watered down shampoo.  Batch #J002, however, faired slightly better.  Who would have guessed my jerry-rigged brewhouse would actually make something tangible.

Product Record:

Batch # Status Yield Available
CJ-0003 Fermentation completed.  Currently looking for unwitting victims to try it out. 5 gal 5 gal.
CJ-0002 Completed.  Great success, except that everyone took all my beers.  Time to start charging. 5 gal None
CJ-0001 Completed.  Horrid disaster.  Will attempt again at a later date. 5 gal None



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maverick brewing company is the brainchild of michael j. capitain, iv esquire.
the maverick is the greatest car ever.  if you feel that this non-profit website and fake beer company
infringes on any copyright laws (it may, i just really dont know), please let me know.  if you know
how i can make this whole brewing company legal in the state of new york, please let me know. 
otherwise, have fun, drink safely, and rock it till the roof comes down.  peace.